In the village of Stoeneà Ÿti, Floresti-Stoeneà Ÿti commune, from Giurgiu county, on the left bank of the Sabar, there is the DrugÃÆnescu Mansion, a remarkable Brancoveanu foundation. The DrugÃÆnescu ensemble includes the mansion building and the `Buna Vestire` Church, built in 1723. The mansion was built between 1710 and 1715 by Gavril DrugÃÆnescu, great ruler of Târgovià Ÿte, during the time of Constantin Brâncoveanu and then during the time of à žtefan Cantacuzino, being conquered. of the harmony, balance and artistic spirit of the Brâncoveni foundations. His successors, Preda DrugÃÆnescu, and his son, Preda Scarlat DrugÃÆnescu, continued his work, but during Scarlat`s successors, the ensemble began to decline.
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